Thursday, December 18, 2008

Septic Week

It has been cold and that heated backhoe was the best place to be.

Look................we think the 15,000 lb tank will fit!
Actually........the inspector came today from Amarillo and told the guys they
could do this for a living. She was worried when she heard the homeowner was doing this themselves, but said it was a better job than many of her own contractors she sends out on the job. Good Job Northwest Contracting!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Roofing Takes A Long Time!

Worley practices being "The Karate Kid" while Dad works on building the chimney and Josh works ever so steady on the shingles.

Banquets and Basketball

Elise's team came from "way" behind to beat the undefeated team in the season's tournament.
Elise scored 12 points in the first game with the score being 10-12. She stole the ball
and made the winning basket with less than 20 seconds to go. These are "intense"
low scoring, high pressure games and are so much fun to watch. I am so happy Dad and Josh could be here to see this and for Mama Pat's faithfulness to attend all of Elise's games.

Both Taylor and Elise have had lots of support from our friends and church family at their games too! We are thankful for these good friends that come watch our children.
Taylor's team lost by 2 points to Amarillo High. We ran to Taylor's game in between Elise's two Championship games. Mom will get to join us this weekend for Taylor's Borger tournament.

Taylor was invited to the volleyball banquet and we wouldn't have been able to dress him very well without Uncle Josh being here. Taylor had grown more than I thought so we had to borrow Uncle Josh's pants and his nice black belt.

Winter and Wisdom Teeth

Didn't quite get the garage roof on before the first snow!
The complicated roof line is almost done. Worley
has spent the last week finishing this side while Dad and Josh have moved
on to the garage.

Josh trying something cold after having his widsom teeth out today.
He has been doing good, but often has been questioning if the
Dr. really took out all 4 (That's what happens when you lose your "wisdom" teeth! ha
Dad, Elise and I have all enjoyed taking care of him today.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Show Must Go On....Even Without the Big Bosses!!

Carl, Dexter, Taylor, Worley and I have kept the project going.
Carl really has worked diligently on lots of the little detail things this week.
A "partial" two story house is requiring some
difficult and creative roofing. The rest is waiting on
the "hunters" to return to Texas.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The kids had their own carnival rides from Papa George and Uncle Josh

The Arkansas Crew Came to Help!

The Guys are STILL on the roof and ready to be done!

After some coaching from our great brother Josh.......Amy, Kristi and I made quite a team in putting in our dining room, living room and study windows.
We really were quite impressed with ourselves.
We missed you Katy!!

Isaiah and Breck loved hammering !!They also loved being with their cousin Taylor who would wrestle them both at the same time.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING! I am always grateful for the close relationship that God has given us with each other and for Dad and Mom for having 5 children. It really is so much fun!

We Had Fun Too!

Meet One-Eyed Jack.....The Pirate of the New House!Another Blogger will have to send you a better picture.
They were so Cute! Speed Racer, A Pirate, A Car Hop & Tinkerbell

Harper and Elise are a "Pair of Dice"

Our new house served as a pirate haunted house
with a treasure at the end! The kids had a story by Grammy and Kristi and
messages in bottles to lead them to the next clue....Off they went with pumpkin lights
in hand and a few bugs, fingers, and squeeky rats to find. All the while, having to
watch for one eyed Jack, the pirates and the sneeky pirate in the rafters (Uncle Josh).

Grammy helped the kids carve pumpkins

They loved the dirt pile!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Living on "the edge" and having fun with the lift!

Keep praying for safety as they continue all this week.....
22 - 25 feet in the air!
It's looking like a house with the roof on...........

Elise likes climbing around on the rafters.
I remember doing this...don't you?

The first thing Mom sees when she returns to Pampa is Dad
letting Taylor run the lift to take him up to the roof!

Worley is considering leaving Taylor here until
his teenage years are over!
No really.........
they are having great fun together~

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Roof Goes Up!

God gave me parts of Psalm 37 for this day....
"Do not fret - The Lord upholds the righteous...whose steps He has made firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand...He is their stronghold.

Walking the Walls 22 Feet in the Air!

God provided a crane on the very day we needed it.

It just came from Canadian on Saturday

and leaves for Borger for 6 months tomorrow!

Worley, Dustin, Josh, Dexter & Taylor putting up the Garage Wall Against the Wind!