Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Show Must Go On....Even Without the Big Bosses!!

Carl, Dexter, Taylor, Worley and I have kept the project going.
Carl really has worked diligently on lots of the little detail things this week.
A "partial" two story house is requiring some
difficult and creative roofing. The rest is waiting on
the "hunters" to return to Texas.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The kids had their own carnival rides from Papa George and Uncle Josh

The Arkansas Crew Came to Help!

The Guys are STILL on the roof and ready to be done!

After some coaching from our great brother Josh.......Amy, Kristi and I made quite a team in putting in our dining room, living room and study windows.
We really were quite impressed with ourselves.
We missed you Katy!!

Isaiah and Breck loved hammering !!They also loved being with their cousin Taylor who would wrestle them both at the same time.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING! I am always grateful for the close relationship that God has given us with each other and for Dad and Mom for having 5 children. It really is so much fun!

We Had Fun Too!

Meet One-Eyed Jack.....The Pirate of the New House!Another Blogger will have to send you a better picture.
They were so Cute! Speed Racer, A Pirate, A Car Hop & Tinkerbell

Harper and Elise are a "Pair of Dice"

Our new house served as a pirate haunted house
with a treasure at the end! The kids had a story by Grammy and Kristi and
messages in bottles to lead them to the next clue....Off they went with pumpkin lights
in hand and a few bugs, fingers, and squeeky rats to find. All the while, having to
watch for one eyed Jack, the pirates and the sneeky pirate in the rafters (Uncle Josh).

Grammy helped the kids carve pumpkins

They loved the dirt pile!